Daily Experiences


(6:33am – 12:50pm)
I haven’t started teaching on this day. My cooperating teacher just introduced me to my students and she also introduced the students to me.
I only observed my cooperating teacher.
As I observed my cooperating teacher disciplining the students, I realized that being a teacher is a hard profession.

(6:24am – 2:57pm)
My official start of teaching in MCHS. I handled Grade 7 and taught them the topic “Sinaunang pamumuhay ng mga Asyano”
I used codes as their motivation. They will decode the numbers to know what will be the topic. The motivation caught their attention and they become attentive in the class discussion.
I felt like a teacher already. I need to master more my lesson in order to transfer the lesson to them easily.

(6:32am – 2:30pm)
We continue the lesson last time in other sections. We continue the topic “Sinaunang pamumuhay ng mga Asyano”.
I used motivation again. I need to engage my students to participate in the discussion. I also used activities such as concept mapping.  
It’s hard to handle Grade 7 students, especially the students in lower section. I need to have more patience to handle all of them.

(6:40am – 2:30pm)
We opened a new topic. I taught the topic “Mahahalagang pangyayari sa sinaung panahon sa Silangan at Hilagang Asya”.
I used motivation such as showing pictures of the countries we are about to discuss. I also gave them a game about what country this contribution belongs to.
I need to do more questioning to the students. I need to assure if they learned something or not.

(6:30am – 2:30pm)
We continue the lesson “Mahahalagang pangyayari sa sinaung panahon sa Silangan at Hilagang Asya”.
I discuss the lesson by giving ideas to them first. Pronouncing the words right and giving them the people who are involved in the lesson.
Some of the students find the discussion boring. I need to make the class lively. I also need to give more clues and questions while discussing the lesson.

(6:30am – 2:30pm)
Continuation of the lesson yesterday in other sections.
I gave an activity to them. They will put the contributions of the East Asian Countries to the right country where it belongs to.
I thought of pronouncing some words from the said countries for them to engage in the lesson. I think it worked well because they are participating in the discussion.

(6:30am – 2:01pm)
Final continuation of the lesson “Mahahalagang pangyayari sa sinaung panahon sa Silangan at Hilagang Asya”.
I gave them activity for them to do. They will distribute the contributions of the East Asian countries to the right one.
Give them time to do their work. Don’t rush them or they will not do their activity and just pass their paper even though they didn’t answer any.

(6:45am – 2:14pm)
We opened a new topic. The lesson “Mahahalagang pangyayari sa sinaunang panahon ng Timog Asya”.
I grouped them into five. Per group, there will be a representative in every question. They will write it on the board as I tell them goes.
The students want some games while discussing the lesson. They get thrilled and engaged more in the lesson.

(6:50am – 2:30pm)
I handled all the Grade 7 students this day.
I gave them a quiz from the very first lessons this 2nd grading to the lesson where we stop.
Giving quizzes will assure the teacher if the students learned something. We also need to monitor them if they are cheating or not.

(6:30am – 2:40pm)
I handled all the Grade 7 students this day.
I also gave a quiz today.
Again, giving quizzes to the students will measure if they learned or not.

(6:30am – 2:40pm)
We continue the lesson “Mahahalagang pangyayari sa sinaunang panahon ng Timog Asya”.
I told them to write all the things they’ve learned this day.
The students have so many questions, and I need to answer them all. So I need to read like 4 topics ahead from them.

Activities/ Experiences

(6:30am – 9:30am)
National Achievement Test of Grade 7 Students

(6:30am – 2:30pm)
We opened a new lesson. The topic “Mga Relihiyon sa Asya”
My cooperating teacher told me to write my lesson plan in detailed form to practice it for my final demo.
As a teacher, we need to learn how to write different format of lesson plans.

(7:30am – 12:00nn)
Teachers’ Day Celebration

(6:30am – 2:30pm)
Discussion of the lesson “Mga Relihiyon sa Asya”.
I wrote the word “Panginoon” on the board and ask the students for their opinion.
Be sensitive about the topic. Don’t be biased to your religion. Other students are not the same religion as you.

(6:30am – 2:30pm)
We continue the lesson yesterday because of the lack of time.
I grouped my students into nine. I distribute the nine religions to them as their topic. The students will then discuss the religion that assigned to them.
Guide the students in doing their work. If they have questions or queries, you should give them the right answer or explanation for them to understand it.

(6:30am – 2:30pm)
Continuation of the lesson “Mga Relihiyon sa Asya”.
The students discussed the different religions to the class.
Give the students reinforcement so they will participate more or encourage them to participate in class.

(6:40am – 2:00pm)
Review for the lesson “Mga Relihiyon sa Asya”.
I gave the students a quiz for the topic we had discussed.
Again, giving quizzes to the students will measure if they learned or not.

(5:50am – 8:00am)
We opened a new topic. The lesson “Mga Pilosopiya sa Asya”.
Since its Saturday, only few of my students attend my class so I have decided to let them copy the visual aids as their lecture.
Don’t let your students do nothing in your time.

(6:30am – 2:30pm)
Discussion of the topic “Mga Pilosopiya sa Asya”.
I told them to write their own perspectives or philosophy in life.
It’s important to know their opinion about the lesson.

(6:30am – 2:30pm)
I gave them a quiz about the lessons from “Sinaunang kabihasnan sa Asya” to “Mahahalagang pangyayari sa sinaunang panahon sa Kanluran, Silangan at Timog Asya”.
I handled all the Grade 7 students this day.
Discipline them before, during and after the quiz.

(6:30am – 2:30pm)
I gave them a quiz about the lessons from “Sinaunang kabihasnan sa Asya” to “Mahahalagang pangyayari sa sinaunang panahon sa Kanluran, Silangan at Timog Asya”.
I handled all the Grade 7 students this day.
Discipline them before, during and after the quiz.

(6:40am – 2:07pm)
2nd Periodical Examination
I handled some of my sections.
The students are quite while answering the exam.

(6:30am – 2:00pm)
2nd Periodical Examination
I handled some of my sections.
The students are quite while answering the exam.


(6:30am – 1:30pm)
We opened the 3rd Grading Period.
I gave motivation and discussed the lesson.
Continue to discuss the lesson lively.

(6:50am – 2:00pm)
Opened a topic. The lesson “Unang yugto ng kolonyalismo at imperyalismo sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya”.
We discussed the lesson with pictures so they can relate to the topic.
Provide some pictures and other materials that will help you and the students to acquire the lesson easily.

(7:00am – 2:00pm)
Continuation of the lesson yesterday.
The lesson has five topics. So I told them to put five columns in their paper. Write the things they have learned from the lesson.
Give students enough time to finish their work.

(7:00am – 3:00pm)
We opened the lesson “Mga Dahilan ng Ikalawang Yugto ng Imperyalismo at Kolonyalismo sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya”.
We discussed the lesson and afterwards I gave them an activity.
Try to give them an activity every after lesson.

(7:00am – 2:20pm)
Preparation for Final Demonstration
My cooperating teaching is the one handling my sections as I prepare for my final demo.

(6:50am – 2:30pm)
Preparation for Final Demonstration
I took my first dry run.
I need to improve a lot. I have a lot of lacking and working to do in my demo.

(7:00am – 3:30pm)
Preparation for Final Demonstration
I took my second dry run.
My cooperating teacher told me that there’s an improvement in my dry run.

(7:00am – 2:30pm)
Preparation for Final Demonstration
I took my last dry run.
The demo is settled and just needed to relax and be ready for tomorrow’s final demo.

(7:00am – 1:00pm)
My Final Demonstration
I discussed “Nasyonalismo sa Asya”. I used differentiated activities to fit to the different learning styles of my students.
We need to know a way to fill the differences of the students in terms of how they learn from their teachers.

(7:00am – 2:00pm)
We discussed again the lesson “Nasyonalismo sa Asya”.
I gave them a quiz after we discussed the lesson.
Again, giving quizzes to the students will measure if they learned or not.

(7:00am – 2:10pm)
We opened a new lesson. The topic “Mga Epekto ng Imperyalismo at Kolonyalismo sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya”.
I told them to make a poster about the effect of imperialism and colonialism in South and West Asia.
Give the students enough time to finish their work.


(7:00am – 1:00pm)
Continuation of the lesson “Mga Epekto ng Imperyalismo at Kolonyalismo sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya”.
They continue their poster on this day.
Give the students enough time to finish their work.

(7:00am – 1:00pm)
We discussed again the topic “Nasyonalismo sa Asya”.
After we discussed the lesson, I told them to write a simple way to show their love of their country in their paper.
We should let our students to voice their opinion.

(7:00am – 2:30pm)
Continuation of the lesson “Nasyonalismo sa Asya”.
I told them to answer the activity in their book. The Data Retrieval Chart.
Use also the activities inside the book.

(7:00am – 1:30pm)
We moved on to the lesson “Nasyonalista sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya”.
I put visual aids so they can read what I am discussing.
Should use visual aids or other materials to make the discussion more informative.

(7:00am – 2:00pm)
Continuation of the lesson “Nasyonalista sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya”.
I told them to write in their paper where the nationalist came from, in what country.
Let them be familiarizing with the people that are involved in the lesson.
Christmas Party/ Last Day
I joined their Christmas Party as well as our last day.
I realized that teaching needs a lot of patience, tolerance in noise and loud voice. Teaching is a hard profession, but I know I can do it as long as I love what i am doing.

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